
Thursday, 28 January 2016

Visual Design - Rendering Curved Surfaces

For this task we were only given the outline of this creature, the outline was from the artist JorduSchell. The task was to add light and shade to the image to create a realistic 3D effect. We were taught how stacking the paint with a low opacity brush can create the difference in lighting which we desired. We kept this image in black and white to show the differences in lighting more easily. 
I enjoyed this task very much, I learnt more about lighting and shade than I previously knew and I'm happy with how the image turned out. Showing light and shadow has never particularly been a strong point of mine so this I feel helped me to grow as an artist. I'll definitely be using techniques here in the future and hopefully I'll grow even more.

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Visual Design - Speedy Fish Creature Concept

For this piece we were given the task of drawing mutated fish in a short duration of time in class. Here are my results.

I liked the designs of the fish I had created, taking aspects from others animals (not even sea creatures) and adding them to these fish. I had to do this in a way that they're not too heavily altered just so that they're still recognisable as fish. This was a slight challenge but wasn't too difficult after visualising what you wanted. It was a short and fun challenge.

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Visual Design - Steampunk Design


This is a moodboard of steampunk images that I've collected. I decided to be more eccentric than usual and to add a steampunk image as a background for the moodboard. The assignment is to create a steampunk themed object/character. I didn't have time to make any sketches so I cracked on with the final piece as shown below.

Final Piece:

This is my design for my steampunk assignment. I chose to design a steampunk woman, although I wanted to keep the design rather simplistic. My reasoning for this is that when characters are designed in a steampunk fashion they usually end up heavily armoured and have gears and cogs everywhere. However I wanted a more elegant appearance, hence me also deciding to draw a female. Up to this point I haven't drawn a female in any of my detailed pieces so it was also a nice change. I used dark and rustic colours for this piece as it matches the theme appropriately. She's standing confidently while holding onto her sword cane. I like the confident pose that I gave her in this piece, although she's not armoured or anything her pose is still quite intimidating because of how confident she looks. The colours are also quite easy on the eyes which makes viewing it easier and more satisfying, mainly because of the low saturation of colours.

This was a very fun piece and I love steampunk in general, I knew about it before this assignment but this definitely gave me a chance to look further into it. 

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Visual Design - Paint Over Techniques

Vampire-Like Creature:

For this task we were taught how to use paint over techniques in Photoshop. These would usually revolve around setting the texture layers to either overlay or multiply. Once that is done we got to put textures over the top of the images above to create something new. In the top image we were given the metal panels to paint over onto a fresh 3D model. After the paint over I added a space background and the text/decal on the the side of the ship.With the second image we were given a plain vampire model and had to find all our own textures (or draw our own) to change the appearance of the vampire. I added textures after modifying them, I also decided to give the vampire a cold blue aura.

These pieces of work were enjoyable and I'll continue to use the paint over technique when it's needed.  

Saturday, 9 January 2016

3D Art Production - Maya - Modelling A Statue

Week 1:
Week 2:
Week 3 And 4:
Week 5:
Week 6 And 7:

Week 8:
I lost a lot of work at this time and got sent back awhile.
Week 9:
  Week 10:

Week 11:

Week 12:

Week 13:

Week 14:

Week 15:
Week 16:
Texture Maps

Friday, 8 January 2016

Visual Design - Speed Painting

This is another speed painting task which we have been assigned in class. We had a time frame of roughly one and a half hours to complete it. This task was super fun and it was also very challenging. I had a very difficult time with this speed painting, especially when trying to get the correct skin colour, I just couldn't get it right in the end, not in time. I'm still happy with my work though, I wish I would've got the correct skin colour as mine likes too pink/purple but I guess it's something I can try out next time. This is definitely the most difficult speed painting to date.

Thursday, 7 January 2016

Visual Design - Anatomy Muscles

For this assignment, similar to the last we had to research the human body. The main difference is that instead researching the bones we had to research the muscles of the human body. I couldn't include any sketches of some muscle groups as I simply didn't have the time. I completed the main task given to me as shown below and managed to include all of the labels.
I was disappointed about running out of time but I feel in the main piece I did rather well to make up for it. This task was also very time consuming and I felt like I learnt some facts which I didn't know before and muscle groups. Overall an enjoyable piece of work so I'm disappointed that I didn't have a chance to finish it.
Final Piece: