This is a moodboard of steampunk images that I've collected. I decided to be more eccentric than usual and to add a steampunk image as a background for the moodboard. The assignment is to create a steampunk themed object/character. I didn't have time to make any sketches so I cracked on with the final piece as shown below.
Final Piece:
This is my design for my steampunk assignment. I chose to design a steampunk woman, although I wanted to keep the design rather simplistic. My reasoning for this is that when characters are designed in a steampunk fashion they usually end up heavily armoured and have gears and cogs everywhere. However I wanted a more elegant appearance, hence me also deciding to draw a female. Up to this point I haven't drawn a female in any of my detailed pieces so it was also a nice change. I used dark and rustic colours for this piece as it matches the theme appropriately. She's standing confidently while holding onto her sword cane. I like the confident pose that I gave her in this piece, although she's not armoured or anything her pose is still quite intimidating because of how confident she looks. The colours are also quite easy on the eyes which makes viewing it easier and more satisfying, mainly because of the low saturation of colours.
This was a very fun piece and I love steampunk in general, I knew about it before this assignment but this definitely gave me a chance to look further into it.
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